Register for the FREE Webinar!

Ready to Learn Strategies for Planning an Energized Back to School in your Classroom?

This FREE PRO-D Webinar will give you a framework for getting energized and planned for this upcoming Back to School teaching art so you feel less stressed and overwhelmed with all that planning, and instead enjoy a calmer, happier YOU! 

Oh, and 1 Pro-D Hour (certificate included!)

I will show you:

✔️I’m going to give you some solid ideas for getting ready for back to school in your art classroom by reviewing the past school year and setting clear goals.

✔️I am going to talk about revamping your art curriculum and creating an inspiring learning environment for this upcoming school year.

✔️AND I am going to talk about building and fostering relationships with your students and growing professionally as a teacher. enjoy a FREE GIFT just for having shown up- a $50 value but you can get it FREE from attending this webinar.


Register for the FREE Webinar Now

This is an EXCLUSIVE offer you won't want to miss.

Hello! I am Kathleen & I'm Ms Artastic

I am Kathleen McGiveron & I am Ms Artastic.

And there was once a time I was so exhausted and overwhelmed that I almost walked away from it all.

Ever since I could remember, I loved Art. Whether it was obsessively drawing cartoons with books or T.V. as a kid or creating with clay in my High School Ceramics classes, I LOVED Art

II became both an artist and a teacher. My initial excitement and passion for teaching was depleting with endless searching for resources, planning, and throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping it'd stick. My “This is it! This is my moment!” was turning to inward thoughts of failure.

I made a decision. I would change how things were going… from constantly searching, always tired, and the endless rat-race…

And be that person with a cohesive art program. I would create Art Lessons that KIDS LOVED. That kids WANTED to make. That ENGAGED THEM. Let them EXPLORE, be CREATIVE, but also that taught them the curricular content. 

I would be the person that creates new Art Resources relevant to the needs of both teachers and students.

To inspire kids with creative art lessons that THEY wanted to make and that reflected CURRENT times and interests and that were easy-to-use by other educators.

So I opened my blog, Ms Artastic, and started developing and sharing art lessons. I started making my ideas and resources available to other educators. From this I was able to get feedback from educators on their needs and wants for Art Educational Resources and Lessons and I took this feedback and developed, honed, and perfected my art lessons over the last 10 years.


I have transformed my own path from foggy to clear and comprehensive. 

Now it is YOUR turn for a transformation.